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Manuel Rodríguez Díaz, self-formation, started in the world of photography the age of 25 years, a photography workshop travs People's University, which conducted its first course in the year 1983. Several exhibitions photographic, individually and collectively, Ascom collaborations in various books and catalogs of artists, among which are. -12 CACEREOS NOTEBOOKS (slides )................................ 1984-SIERRA DE GATA...

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Manuel Rodríguez Díaz, self-formation, started in the world of photography the age of 25 years, a photography workshop travs People's University, which conducted its first course in the year 1983. Several exhibitions photographic, individually and collectively, Ascom collaborations in various books and catalogs of artists, among which are. -12 CACEREOS NOTEBOOKS (slides )................................ 1984-SIERRA DE GATA photographic RALLI ............................. PHOTO CONTEST 1985-REGIONAL Iberdrola .................... 1986-MARATHON CITY OF CACERES photographic ................... WOMAD 1988-EXPOSURE ................................ bar LA Gioconda 1995-NATIONAL COMPETITION ASPAINCA ........................................ 1995-EXHIBITION WEEK CIGEA (Malpartda of Cac) .. 1995-SHOW THE MIRROR OF MEMORY ........................... WOMAD 1995-EXP FRIENDS OF THE CORRAL CIGUEAS ......... 1996 - SHOW WEEK CIGEA (Malpartda of Cac. 1996-EXPOSURE JOINT TESTING .................... CIGUEAS 1996-EXP INDIVIDUAL CIGUEAS in Group .......... 1997-EXP Eroski 4 ELEMENTS COLLECTIVE ATENEO DE CACERES ... 2004 - EXP CLASS Alicante, Orihuela, ALBATERA has made all the photographs CACERES book as FANTASIA OF STONE AND LIGHT written by historian VAZ MANUEL ROMERO AND NIETO, in the year 1999. ------------------- AWARDS -1 ----------------------------------------- IV marathon Award PHOTO Cceres RALLI Award 1988 -2 GATA SAW VI Cceres 1987 Photo Contest Award -2 WEEK CIGEA Malpartida de Cáceres 1995 -3 VII Photo Contest Prize CO, MALPATIDA CIGEA WEEK OF CACERES, 1996

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